SSK-1 Cathead Kit
The SSK-1 includes a third hydraulic valve, tower kit and spool. It can be used with Little Beaver’s AWJ drilling rod and 2-inch by 24-inch split spoon sampler, which allows users to obtain core samples for environmental tests or geotechnical engineering projects.

Hollow Stem Augers
For sandy or loose soils, our hollow stem augers provide a path to collect samples without the risk of contamination from the surrounding unstable soil. The augers are available in 6- and 8-inch diameters and feature a 2 ¾-inch or 3 ¾-inch internal diameter. The center rod and center plug can be removed to create a clear path for inserting a soil sampler.

Split Spoon Sampler
The split spoon sampler provides core sampling up to 24 inches in length. It is commonly used with the cathead kit and safety hammer.

Safety Hammer
The optional 140-pound safety hammer is used to drive our split spoon sampler into the soil.

Hand Sampling Tools
Little Beaver offers standard hand sampling tools for environmental soil testing. The samplers are available in 1.5-and 2-inch diameters and can be used with any of our mechanical or hydraulic augers.